Saturday 24 June 2017


الحاج محمد كمال أسامه

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله القائل يؤتى الحكمة من يشاء ومن يوت الحكمة فقد اوتى خيرًا كثيرًا ومايذكر إلا أولو الألباب، والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

In the name of Allah, the most gracious and compassionate. All praises and adoration are due to Almighty Allah, the sayer, He grants whom He pleases wisdom and whoever He grants His wisdom, has indeed a benefit overflowing but none will grasp the message but men of understanding, and may His peace and blessings be upon our leader (Muhammad S.A.W), his household, his companions and generality of Muslim.

- - -The book contains over 100 sagacious maxims and words of wisdom, that delves into all aspects of human lives- - -

Excerpts culled from the book;

١- يابن آدم – ابتسم فإن الله ماأشقاك إلا ليسعدك وماأخذ منك إلا ليعطيك وما أبكاك إلا ليضحكك وما حرمك إلا ليتفضل عليك وما ابتلاك إلا لأنه يحبك
1. Oh you the son of Adam, smile because God has not intended to make life difficult except you being successful. God is not ready to seize anything from you except to provide for you. He is never ready to make you cry but to make you happy. The will of God on you is to exercise his authority. God only shake those he loves.

٢- لا تشتكي من الأيام فليس لها بديل ولا تحزن على الدنيا مادام آخرها رحيل وإجعل ثقتك بالله ليس لها مثيل وعش فى ذكره
2. Do not complain on the circumstances of days. While you need not to worry on worldly things because they are vanity. Entrust your affairs in God, the one that has no associate. Then always remember Him in all your dealings.

٣- توكل على الله ترغب منك اعدائك إن كانت قوتهم في يدك
3. Be confident in Almighty Allah as you entrust your affairs in Him so that your enemies will be looking onto you because you hold their foods.

٤- يقول أحد الحكماء ذقت الطيبات كلّها فلم أجد أطيب من العافية وذقت المرارات كلها فلم أجد أمرّ من الحاجة إلى الناس
4. I tasted all the sweet things of life but none of them has the sweet taste of haleness. Also, I tasted all the bitter things of life yet none is comparable to depending on people.

٥- ذو العقل ينقل وذو الجهل يقف عقلك ينفعك يوما فارفق بها والله يحبك ولا تدع بدعائك ربّ ذى عاقل ماضوا فكر! فكر!! فكر!!!
5. The knowledgeable shift their base but the ignorance remains in one place. Seek knowledge, because knowledge earns one great respect. I swear that God loves you in as much as you are steadfast in your prayer. Many brains have gone; so, think very deep.

٢٥-   أكرم عبدك وإن كنت سيدا، سوف يكون عبدك حرا قدر الله وقدرته مكتوم وما كان ربك نسيا
25. Respect your servant when he is under you. Time soon, your servant will become independent. God's destiny and power are hidden in everyone. Your God did not forget everything you do.

   ٢٦–   إجعل مرادك بالله هو المعطى، المغنى، المعز المذل هو الرحمان الرحيم
26. Direct your requests onto God. God is the dependable, the respectful and the one that relegates. Your God is merciful and benevolent. God enriches those He wants to bless in His abundant riches.

      ٣۹أسباب الشقاوة: التكبر! البخل!! الهوى!!! والكيد على أنعام الله من غيرك

39. Causes of failure in life are: (i) arrogance (ii) miserliness 
(iii) autocracy and (iv) unnecessary enviness of fortunes of others.”

To order for the book, contacthe author;
Call/WhatsApp: +2348035132586

About the Author

Hajj Kamal was born to Sheik (Alh.) and Alhaja Usamah. He is a native of Osogbo, the state capital of The State of Osun.

He attended Markaz Usamah where he acquired both Primary and Secondary education. He later went to The Polytechnic, Ibadan where he obtained his Higher National Diploma (HND).

He also acquired a professional course in Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management of Nigeria (CIPSMN).

Hajj Kamal is a public speaker and also a lecturer. He is the founder of Allahu-l-Kamal International School and Markaz Usamah Institute, both in Ido, Ido Local Government, Ibadan.

Hajj Kamal is happily married and blessed with children.

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